It’s really frustrating when you’re on a pleasant trip and your bike won’t start. You turn the key but your bike is silent and it won’t start. Whether your battery is dead or your fuel line has water or you’re using the wrong oil there is a number of reasons that interfere with the performance of your bike and you don’t know when it’ll fail while running on the road. So before you book an Ola cab or call your buddy in any such situation check these common reasons why your bike fails to start and ends up in the shop. #1. Fuel/Air mixture Sometimes your bike’s engine has trouble…
Maintaining Your Motorcycle Battery
It’s all very well to feel the exhilaration of riding fast and furious on your motorcycle, but if you want to keep it running smoothly, you better take good care of it. And one very important aspect of taking proper care of it is to maintain its battery. Yes, a faulty battery is often the cause of a motorcycle breakdown. To complicate matters somewhat, it’s not the easiest of jobs to get to it, and that is one reason why it tends to get neglected. Now, just like a human being may show symptoms of a disease and decide to visit a physician before matters get worse, a motorcycle battery…