General,  Motorcycle Maintenance

7 Basic Tips That Every Rider Must Follow


When you have an accident, who cries the most? Your family, your friends or you? Whoever it is the harm is only for you. Safety is very important and can never be compromised with. At the end, of the day the truth is that safety is of utmost importance. Irrespective of knowing all these things we still encounter road accidents and mishaps every day. People are always in a hurry and sometimes forget the basic rules of road safety. So here are a few tips to help them ride safer:


Although driving a car is different from operating a motorcycle but both follow some basic rules and regulations on the road. Proper knowledge of traffic rules and laws is required so that you don’t have an accident.


#1. Always wear a helmet:

The most basic and important rule. It is the best preventive measure to avoid kind of head injuries. Prevention is always better than cure and especially then when you have so many people who care for you and can’t see you in pain. Wear the biggest pair of eyes along with a helmet. Be smart and be safe.

#2. Ride cautiously:

Never assume things like another rider can see you or will accommodate your riding style while driving. You never know what can happen next in life. You have to prepare yourself for every circumstance and ride defensively as it has been seen that two-third of all motorcycle accidents are caused because of one rider interrupting another rider’s way. Making roads safer for everyone starts with you. Remember its road safety and not rocket science.


#3. Signal in advance of changing direction and keep watching for the turning vehicles.


#4. Be an aware rider.


#5. Drink and drive is strictly prohibited. It could harm you and others: In addition to this alcohol can make you feel dizzy and reduce your ability to think and react. So, make sure you take care of yourself and other while you drive because when you gamble with safety, you bet your life.


#6. Proper license:

It is always advised to drive any vehicle if you have the license for it. Sometimes over-smartness can lead to destructive conclusions. So, if you love safety, you have to marry the rules and divorce the speed. Also, take care of the number of people on the motorcycle because it is for “two” and not for too many.


#7. Follow traffic rules:

Rules are made to be followed and to ensure your safety. So, neglecting them is the biggest mistake you can make. Be aware of the traffic rules and laws and always take care of the speed limit while driving. Don’t use a cell phone while driving. It is four times more likely to have a road accident when you are on a mobile phone as it is hard to concentrate on two things at the same time. Things are not about how good of a driver you are. It’s about the 5 seconds you take your eyes off the road. Don’t risk it. Accidents bring tears while safety brings cheers.


Few safety measures to be followed:


Riding in traffic can be extremely dangerous and difficult for any newcomer but in today’s hustle-bustle, we can’t guarantee anything about safety instead we can only adopt measures that would increase our probability to be safe. Some of those measures are as follows:


Make sure that your tires don’t have cracks or any other defect that could cause a blowout. It is always better to know these things prior to hitting the road.


Oil and gas leak

Before traveling look under the motorcycle for any kind of signs of oil or gas leaks. Also, the hydraulic and cooling fluids level should be checked weekly.


Brakes and horn

Make sure that the front and rear brakes work perfectly. They should be able to stop the motorcycle when applied fully. In addition to this test whether the horn is in working condition or not and do the needful wherever required.



Clean the mirrors for a better, sharper and clearer view. Also look for the headlight if it is working in proper condition or not.


So, the golden rules for safety are to travel at a normal speed as it can meet your required needs. One more thing that should be taken care is to leave sooner, driver slower so as to live longer. It’s always better to lose one minute than to lose life in. An alert today can give you an alive tomorrow.




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